Restoring the world from the atom up
We back early-stage founders who are building regenerative technology companies across the planet.
Our Focus

We love meeting founders who alter our understanding of what’s possible
Our changing climate is a global problem. Solutions and talent can come from anywhere. That’s why we are building a global ecosystem to support planetary scale regeneration.

Our Investment areas
Our Portfolio
Food out of thin air. Beauty from waste. Air purified by soil.
Our portfolio companies are full of people audacious enough to demand better.
Building a ReGenerative Future
In our first ReGeneration Manifesto we present a glimpse into the future of regeneration - unveiling the potential of early-stage companies to reframe climate change as an opportunity to rethink who we are and what we desire. Abundance, not austerity. Root causes, not symptoms. Regenerating our planet, rather than minimising the damage.

The potential is unbounded —
The potential is unbounded —
The potential is unbounded —
The potential is unbounded —